Passion, Energy and Full of Life!!
Well I must say tonight I sit here feeling a little embarrassed how long it's been since our last post! 2012 has been a very hectic and busy year to say the least. The days and months just seem to slip away. The start of the year looked bright. I started my long overdue health kick after having my two young children. I was then knocked for six with my health, which saw me requiring surgery and then, well lets just say the recovery took a while. Then as you think positive and try and get back on your feet, others too have their own set backs. 2012 has been a very difficult year to start for so many of those that are close to and surround me. I can't remember a year where I have seen so much heartache and loss of life in such a small time frame. Supporting those that need you most can take a lot of your own energy, but it's so important..... so you 'Pay It Forward'. I love that expression. I wouldn't be here if those people weren't giving me love and support in times when I've needed them. So why is this important? Well I like to surround myself with positive, happy and supportive people...... 16feathers is back, full of energy and full of life! If I sound passionate - I AM. I am passionate about sewing and and loving every minute of this little creative journey that 16feathers is travelling on. So here's a sneak look at what we have been working on over the last few months......... And its exciting to say, there's so much more to come!!
Thank you again to the amazing Joanne O'Kelly who provides her precious time and artistry to showcase 16feathers for you all to see......
Check out her website
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